The proposed Old Town Lunenburg Heritage Conservation District Plan and By-law provide clearer direction on conserving the district's heritage value and character-defining elements, including preservation, alteration, and new construction. The Plan also provides guidelines on activities such as research, documentation, capacity-building, and presentation. If adopted, any non-exempt exterior alteration to structure(s) or new construction within the district will require a Certificate of Appropriateness. A Certificate of Appropriateness will ensure that any development complies with the Old Town Lunenburg Heritage Conservation District Plan and By-law, particularly the By-law's design and conservation guidelines.
Copies of the proposed Old Town Lunenburg Heritage Conservation District Plan and By-law are available at Town Hall on weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on the Town's website. To read the proposed by-law and for more information please click here.