Town News

Compost Site OPEN Friday, October 4

The compost site on Starr Street will be OPEN Friday, October 4 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. for disposal of yard waste. This site is available to Town of Lunenburg residents only. The compost site will be supervised by staff.

Entrance to Compost Site on Starr Street right next to Wastewater Treatment Plant

Public Hearing Notice: MPS and LUB Amendments

Date: Tuesday, October 8, 2024 
Time: 6:00 p.m. 
Location: Lunenburg Town Hall Council Chambers (119 Townsend Street)

The Town of Lunenburg is holding two separate public hearings to discuss proposed amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB).

Hearing 1: Green Street/Tannery Road Rezoning: Amendments to both the MPS and LUB

Intent: To redesignate and rezone several properties on Green Street and Tannery Road from General Commercial (CG) back to Residential (RES) and Lower Density Residential (RL). This amendment seeks to restore the original residential zoning, protecting the historic residential character and limiting commercial development in the area.

2024 09 25 LUB Map

Hearing 2: Old Town Lunenburg Heritage Conservation District (HCD) Plan Accommodation: Amendment to the MPS

Intent: The Old Town Lunenburg Heritage Conservation District Plan and By-law have already been approved by Council. However, the province has informed the Town that amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) are needed before they can approve the HCD Plan and By-law. These proposed amendments are administrative in nature and ensure that the MPS aligns with the newly adopted HCD Plan by updating outdated references and ensuring consistency between the two documents. 
Detailed information, including maps for the Green Street/Tannery Road Rezoning, can be found in the Sept. 24 Council meeting agenda package:

How to Participate in the Public Hearing: 

  • Two separate hearings will be held during the October 8 Council meeting, starting at 6:00 p.m. in the Lunenburg Town Hall Council Chambers.
  • The public is invited to attend and sign up to speak at the beginning of the meeting for either or both hearings.
  • If you want your input included in the public agenda package, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 902-634-4410 x225 by  Tuesday, October 1. 

Council Highlights: September 24

The Council Highlights from the last meeting are available here: Council Highlights


The new Provincial Regulations for short-term rental and tourist accommodations requires proof of compliance documentation from your Municipality, in this case the Town of Lunenburg, to accompany your application.  Please note the following documentation, provided together, meets the Town of Lunenburg’s requirements to show proof of compliance:

  • A Development Permit to authorize the short-term rental use on your property. If you have previously applied for and obtained a Development Permit for short-term rental or tourist accommodation, you will not need to re-apply, but will still need to provide a copy when you register with the Province; and
  • A Zoning Confirmation Letter to confirm that short-term rentals are permitted in your zone.

Please complete a  pdf Heritage Development Encroachment Application Form (330 KB) . Return the completed form, along with a floorplan sketch of the general layout of the building for all floors, clearly showing which unit will be the short-term rental, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or in person to Town Hall. Development Permits are free. Include with it a written request for the Zoning Confirmation Letter. The fee for a Zoning Confirmation Letter is $60.90, which can be paid via one of the Town’s pdf acceptable payment methods (125 KB) .

As we anticipate receiving a large volume of applications, please ensure that you have allowed adequate time to obtain your documents before the provincial registration deadline.

Follow these links to learn more about the new provincial regulations and registration process for short-term rentals and tourist accommodations:

New regulations for short-term rentals and tourist accommodations - Government of Nova Scotia, Canada

Register your tourist accommodation - Government of Nova Scotia

For further information contact the Town of Lunenburg Planning Department at 902-634-4410 ext 225 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Next Council Meeting: Sept. 24 at 6 p.m.

Council meets on Tuesday, Sept. 24 at 6 p.m. 

The agenda package for this meeting is now available:

Agenda items include:

Noise Bylaw Exemption Request: Fireworks Display
Proclamation Request: High Liner Foods Day
Approval: Council Procedural Policy
Project Deferral: Dares Lake Dam and Spillway Upgrades
Prominent Lunenburger Appointment 
1st Reading: Land Use Bylaw and Municipal Planning Strategy Amendment Request - Redesignation and Rezoning of Lower Green Street 
1st Reading: Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) Amendment to update the MPS to be aligned with the new draft Heritage Conservation District Plan and Bylaw

Council meetings are open to the public and held in Town Hall. Please use the back entrance at 120 Townsend Street.

Meetings are also livestreamed through Zoom. To livestream this meeting starting at 6 pm, use this link:

Official List of Candidates: 2024 Municipal Election

From August 29 to September 10, the Town of Lunenburg accepted nominations for the positions of Mayor (1 position) and six Councillors. The official list of candidates is now confirmed:

Candidates for Mayor:

  • Jamie Myra
  • Jesse Ward

Candidates for Councillor:

  • Renea Babineau
  • Rachel Bailey
  • Irma Da Sie
  • Debbie Dauphinee
  • Gale Fullerton
  • Alex Greek
  • John McGee
  • Alison Strachan
  • Amanda Williams 

You can find pictures and brief bios of each candidate here: Candidate Photos and Bios